Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Andreas Lubitz planned spectacular gesture


Such a Caucasian Thing To Do

Only Whites could ever pretend to be stunned by the revelation that one of their own has committed suicide: Fortunately, none of the victims seem to be People of Color (POC).

Whites act surprised, yet benefit from White supremacy. Thus, Whites should have no real reason to die and - in fact - every reason to live, since their lives are made somewhat easier than those who have to actually work for a living.

Whites have the highest suicide rates in the world and often take others with them in the process of self-destruction (eg, Adolf Hitler). This explains the White penchant for apparently-randomized school spree-killings and mass murders on public thoroughfares, rather than doing the decent thing: Running a bath and opening a vein - like civilized death-obsessed people (eg, the Japanese).

However, Whites will try to pretend this deliberate plane crash was an act of murder or manslaughter to evade the issue of why Whites usually behave in such self-absorbed and suicidal ways. Because POC actually have a substantive culture and Whites do not, Whites are induced to create their sense of identity via infamous acts as their only outlet for achieving any kind of recognition - no matter how negative.

Whites spend so much of their time (more than 80%) with each other, that they come to view depressive people as normal because it is their norm - despite the fact that it is actually, among Whites, merely usual. This is why Whites are so poor at judging other Whites (& human character, in general) and find bad White behavior inexplicable, since depression is so common for Whites to display on a daily basis that it just seems natural and, therefore, not at all as threatening as it is for POC.

HAMLET: Ay, marry, why was he sent into England?
GRAVE-DIGGER: Why, because he was mad. He shall recover his wits there; or, if he do not, it’s no great matter there.
GRAVE-DIGGER: ‘Twill not he seen in him there. There the men are as mad as he.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616), English dramatist, poet. Hamlet, Act 5, Scene 1.

White mono-culturalism also illustrates why Whites cannot explain the behavior of POC - except in negative terms. The positive behavior Blacks display (eg, Notting Hill Carnival) is unusual for a White; Whites are simply not used to seeing so many happy people. On the other hand, POC find it easy to spot someone with ongoing personal problems, because such a person is both unusual to them and a political threat to POC lives (eg, Jean-Marie Le Pen).

This incident also reveals a desperate White attempt to show the White perpetrator, here, in the best possible light (as in the photograph above) when, if he had been a POC, his entire ethnic group would have been besmirched and any sordid details of his private life either dredged-up or invented - or both.

Andreas Lubitz did not, primarily, trash his airplane because he was depressed, but because he was White. Therefore, more POC civil pilots are now needed in Western airlines to provide greater assurance that this sort of depressive episode happens far less often - if at all.

Copyright © 2015 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

“All schools must promote ‘British Values’”


“British Values”

Summary: The White Hypocrisy of forcing “White Values” onto others while claiming to be tolerant of difference.

Whites claim the following as “British Values”, when they are really nothing more than aspirational utopian Virtues:

  1. Democracy (ie, so long as Whites are the majority);
  2. equality before the law (ie, laws created solely by Whites);
  3. gender equality (ie, the hope that White women will not start having sex with Black men [to get back at White men for sexism]);
  4. individual liberty (ie, the liberty to infringe the liberty of others);
  5. mutual respect & tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs (ie, those whose beliefs are not White; White being the standard against which all other beliefs are judged. This was not displayed by those Whites who proclaimed Je Suis Charlie);
  6. personal & social responsibility (ie, accusing others of moral degeneracy when Whites get drunk, take drugs, have sex with children, etc); &,
  7. political freedom (ie, the freedom to impose freedom on others by force);
  8. respect for British institutions (ie, those created by, and for the sole benefit of, Whites which POC are not allowed to criticize otherwise they are to be told to leave the country).
  9. respect for the rule of law (ie, laws created solely for the benefit of Whites);

Of course, none of these claims is particularly British; making the White implication that they possess a monopoly on such values inherently false. It is also difficult, after all, to find Whites actually practicing any of these virtues in real life; ie, the reality outside the realm of White fantasizing.

Reading Between the Lines

“British Values” is actually a code phrase for “White Values”. In essence, these are:

  1. Genocide;
  2. Looting; &,
  3. Rapine.

White History

Whites are bad at studying their own history because it makes them feel guilty. Easier to pretend that the past does not matter (eg, Get over it! - even though Whites refuse to) and try to evade the issues thrown-up by such an inherently-morbid subject.

Whites, here, are conflating Values (personal qualities to be achieved) with Virtues (the means of achieving Values) to imply that merely saying one possesses values negates the need for actually possessing supporting virtues - despite the fact that Virtues are the sole means of expressing Values. (For example, the Virtue of Honesty expresses a commitment to the Value of a purposeful life.) Here, Whites are trying to act like Christians who preach Christian Values in public; while practicing immoral Virtues (ie, Vices) in private.

As UK Whites conflate Church & State (Promotion/Brainwashing; Personal/Political; Virtues/Values; Nationality/Ethnicity; etc), they also confuse political loyalty to the State with personal loyalty to Whites: A brazen attempt to make anyone not-White-enough a lapdog of Whites. Conflating the Personal with the Political means Whites taking Political comments Personally. This view that all of life is give and take and nothing is to be shared explains White hostility when others disagree with them since, then, non-White dissidents are making it clear that they will give nothing in return for the nothing Whites offer.

Why Now?

Why did Whites not teach their children so-called British values before? UK Whites have never tried to inculcate “British values” concerning openly-radical and supposedly un-British organizations like the BNP, the National Front or UKIP - because White lives were, and are, not at stake. Now, after 500 years of White racist radicalism, it is far too late to stop the radicalisms that Whites, themselves, cause - unless Whites wish to renounce the White supremacy which benefits them all, that is. This is an unlikely prospect since Whites only promote White Values - especially when their lives are in danger - because Black Values (like Black Lives) do not matter to Whites.

Because defining Britishness is quintessentially un-British, since positive British values do not really exist and because Whites assume all Whites think alike - as they assume People of Color POC do - there is no perceived White need to teach what is already (supposedly) known. The basic White idea is to teach those whom Whites fear to obey these non-existent British values, while Whites, themselves, continue to follow the three negative ones listed at the start of this posting. This explains the White Guilt that comes from any honest assessment of Britishness, as well as why the collective noun for a group of Whites is An Hypocrisy of Whites.

Whites are simply trying to foist their ethnic superiority fantasies onto others and claiming that to do so is natural and normal. And that anyone who disagrees should be discriminated against.

White paranoia

Whites are terrified of those they share the UK with - especially Muslims, at the present time - as well as being scared of the inevitable White paranoia caused by centuries of White supremacy. The latter haunts the White imagination because Whites know that such bad behavior also has negative consequences for them; eg, mental illness, fear of POC revenge, etc.


Like Whites in apartheid South Africa, UK Whites need to placate their own racist xenophobia by feeble-yet-frequent attempts at brainwashing POC (eg, Citizenship Tests), in the desperate hope that such people will not seek revenge for the Institutionally-racist nature of all White cultures - throughout the world.

Whites want that everyone be loyal to them and do as they say. Multiculturalism (ie, racial segregation) makes this impossible; hence, the White resentment at any idea of multiculture because it makes the re-enslavement of POC impossible.

Whites are also terrified that POC will out-breed them and, thus, be able to tell Whites what to do in a first-past-the-post electoral system, at which point Whites will clamor for the Proportional Representation PR they have always rejected in the past (because they were in the majority).

Trying to brainwash POC is, thus, also designed to ensure POC think, talk and act like Whites so that POC will kowtow to Whites (ie, accept White values as universal values) to compensate for the decline of White culture.

One can only wonder at the loneliness compelling Whites to try to force others to be like them as recompense for Whites not liking themselves - or even each other.

White Supremacy Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

In all this talk of so-called British Values, there is none of Whites renouncing White supremacy as the royal road to communality. Whites refuse to give up the only means of appearing to win every argument, in the hope that they will never have to take POC seriously.

British Education

The fundamental problem for Whites with implementing such value-laden nonsense as teaching so-called British Values in the UK educational curriculum is that British education is already riven with institutional racism. Whites already teach their negative value-system - but covertly, in case anyone notices they are White supremacist. Thus, they already promote “British Values”. White teachers teach POC that they are not valued by Whites as people, simply because Whites do not wish to educate POC to do well (compared with with White children) in the competition for jobs after leaving full-time schooling. Whites prefer, instead, to exclude them whenever legally possible; using laws created by Whites that allow them to be legally racist.

POC will be invited to state that they accept White values - particularly, White supremacy - or be subject to social exclusion by Whites. But this is a meaningless threat since such exclusion is already practiced by Whites, on the assumption that POC will not accept White supremacy - a completely correct assumption, as it happens.

White Supremacy

Obviously, Whites are not going to openly-discuss their sole source of cultural identity: White supremacy. To admit that this is the underlying British Value-of-all-values would be a stroke of honesty for which Whites are not famous: It would be a tacit admission that Whites actually lack meaningful values. It would also give POC the perfect reason (among many) for having nothing to do with Whites, nor their alleged Values - in any way, shape or form. This is why Whites lie about who they are to try and manipulate others into loving them, politically, when their parents did not, personally.

Moreover, White supremacy creates the problem for Whites that no White can ever fully know himself nor, therefore, live fully and joyously. They can never know, for sure, if any success they achieve is more the result of their abilities or more to do with the unearned help they obtained from White supremacy. This explains the White inability to grow-up as the direct result of this lack of self-awareness; additionally explaining their penchant for mass murder, divorce, suicide, etc.

White Propaganda

There is little White talk of virtues that reflect these stated White Values because Whites do not practice the values they claim to possess; hence, their embarrassment and inappropriate aggression as they vainly-try to enumerate values they never actually display. Whites do not reference Rationality, a purposeful life nor Moral Choice as British Values; tacitly revealing the moral emptiness at the heart of this all-too-White debate; making this is all just more of the same Manifest Destiny propaganda of implying Whites have the best values (regardless of whether they are actually practiced or not) and, so, are the most fit to rule the world - and save it from POC in the process.

Ultimately, Whites do not wish to reflect on the abject hypocrisy and inherent contradiction of forcing White Values down people’s throats while claiming tolerance for dissent.

See Also: Dear Mr Gove: What’s so ‘British’ About Your ‘British Values’?
Copyright © 2015 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive?


Less Attractive to Whom - White Supremacists?

Black Beauty?

Scientific Proof White Supremacists Find Black Women Unattractive!

Feeble attempt to re-introduce physiognomy through the circular arguments of pseudo-science and scientism; creating the self-fulfilling prophecies used to vainly justify White supremacy. Darwin’s theories are being politically-exploited to explain both alleged White genetic superiority and, its necessary corollary, the claimed genetic inferiority of People Of Color (POC) - but all this really explains is White amorality. A more suitable forum for such political-ideology-masquerading-as-science (lack of empirical evidence, flawed premises & unexamined presuppositions) would be Stormfront.

The question is actually a race-baiting statement (Black women are ugly) that pretends it is true simply by being stated as a rhetorical question. Its only function is to get attention by causing offense; thereby generating the anger that will help obscure its rather obvious falsity.

The main reason psychology (& Evolutionary Psychology (EP)’s deterministic claims about Evolution) is not a hard science (like Physics & Chemistry) is because Whites - and their fellow-travelers - have always used it to justify White supremacy; thereby trying to elevate White personal preferences into the realm of objective facts - with Whites reigning supreme. EP never says anything disparaging about Whites since it is designed to flatter them by claiming there is scientific evidence for their genetic superiority over others. This is a way for Whites to evade White guilt for White supremacy by pretending the latter is natural and normal - the former created by Blacks seeking equality that is genetically-impossible for them to achieve.

Dr Kanazawa is careful-enough to not say that Black women are actually ugly, only that they are less attractive (to him, obviously). Rather than say less attractive to he says less attractive than; suggesting Blacks are objectively unattractive - not that Whites are objectively racist (a truth EP regularly evades). He clearly implies - since he claims to be an objective scientist - that Black women are, in fact, ugly. One might just as well ask Why are Whites more racist than other people? rather than the more scientific Are Whites more racist than other people?

Attractiveness, like intelligence, beauty and humor, are human qualities which are, like all personal qualities, not amenable to scientific and objective measurement - unlike physical quantities such as length, height & width. The scientistic belief that they are, is the simplistic reductionism that attempts to obliterate the many mysteries of life by pretending that anything can be measured - even how much you love your children, your wife & your car.

It is strange that if Black women really are less attractive than Others (racist code for White women), why there should be so few White people in the world and so many Black. Perhaps it is because the men who find Black women sexually-attractive are misguided and foolishly-unscientific in their amorous choices? Or, perhaps, it is because they are not White supremacists and/or do not live in White supremacist environments? Dr Kanazawa acts as though White supremacy simply does not exist - and yet that is the only context within which his comments make any sense, whatsoever. He lacks the intellectual rigor to understand that he does not actually tell an inconvenient truth about Black women, but one about the moral sewer that is White culture.

The problem with correlations and predictors is that they are not causations - they are intellectually-lightweight substitutes for them. They allow one to say anything about anything - at the most trivial level of self-indulgence. For example, White skin is the best predictor of White supremacism; physical beauty is closely-correlated with male erections; loneliness is strongly-correlated with ugliness; resentment at White supremacy is a predictor of ethnicity; anger at rape is a predictor of gender; being successful under Apartheid is correlated with skin-color; Why Do Whites Need Institutionalized Racism to be Successful?; Why is it the white man’s burden to bang all the hot chicks of other ethnic groups to produce beautiful mulatto babies?; Why Do Unattractive People Write Articles About Attractiveness?; the list is endless. The difficulty in finding causative agents when dealing with complex human phenomena has constantly hampered White attempts to prove simplistic and behavioristic relationships between - and within - people and objects. Oddly, he even admits he can think of no other explanation for the data he pretends to interpret; revealing a decidedly-lackluster imagination, in the process, and a lazy unwillingness to engage in a basic literature review of his own discipline.

As White culture declines, Whites will do anything to justify their having more of what remains to be exploited of the world’s physical resources. Whites will also do all they can to mock and deride those they dread most in order to soothe their fears of eventual irrelevance and disappearance, just because of the presence of those others. Yet, Dr Kanazawa is so desperate to be accepted by Whites, that he mirrors their racism - even to the extent of claiming that he, himself, is a member of one of the physically-unattractive ethnic groups he claims to observe. One only has to read Why we are losing this war to see that he is angrily-resentful about the fact that no matter his absurdly-overstated racism, Whites will never accept him as fully-human.

Dr Satoshi Kanazawa tries to hide his ignorance and poorly-suppressed anger behind claims his critics are politically-correct and wish to suppress any scientific discussion of Ethnicity. He refuses to accept that science must be socially-responsible, since good science is designed to be socially-profitable (otherwise, what’s the point?) and that the search for truth is not the only reason for scientific activity. Otherwise, Josef Mengele’s experiments on Jewish children would suddenly become scientifically-acceptable - so long as they produced the truth of what happens to people when you abuse them. Moreover, Whites would never accept being quarantined from others simply because it is a fact that all their cultures are institutionally-racist, nor would any White allow research into the effects of pornography on very young children - so there are clear ethical limits to seeking scientific truth, no matter those White scientists who claim to be engaged in a disinterested search for the true nature of objective reality. Science only has value if it is constructive, otherwise it can only be destructive - there is no third option.

The peculiar awfulness of Whites is that they only research topics that help them maintain their political status quo. They never, for example, search for any IQ or sexual attractiveness differences between people with different colored eyes or different shoe or breast sizes. This is because such research might find that women with small breasts are the most intelligent; justifying the denial of higher-educational opportunities to the superbly well-endowed. The whole point of science that is to be fed into political policy is to discriminate against someone - anyone - so that scarce resources can be monopolized by the powerful.

Attacking his detractors for being politically-correct is a politically-correct attempt to conceal the flaws in Dr Kanazawa’s own work: The racist agenda underpinning it & that of offering opinions not based on objective data instead of scientific analysis. The author believes politics is the slave of science, such that politics can never criticize its master. He wants nothing more than to openly-express his fear of not being accepted by Whites because it is all he has to offer the Caucasians who pretend to love him for agreeing with their xenophobia.

Therefore, Dr Kanazawa will not be required by Whites to apologize to Black women for his White supremacy, so won’t do so; revealing that Whites will continue to cleave to their racist political agenda through the use of pseudo-science and, particularly, the absurd claim that there are meaningful differences between people based on skin pigmentation.

More detailed debunkings here: What are the scientific / methodological objections to the Psychology Today article “Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women?” being removed from the publication?
Copyright © 2015 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved.